Tag Archive: research

The First Thanksgiving


As the days grow shorter and colder and the leaves fall from the trees, it’s time to celebrate the holidays. Thanksgiving has always been my family’s favorite holiday, beating out Christmas by a… Continue reading

The Hakima, Clot-Bey, and Women’s Health


It may surprise you to know that a medical school for women opened in Cairo in 1832. Can you imagine such a thing in the United States or Great Britain at that time?… Continue reading

The Cleghorns, Gardens, and a Princess


Writers often wander down some winding roads; many call it “the research rabbit hole.” This past week I got lost in one when I began by asking about public gardens that may have… Continue reading

The Girls of Summer


As the summer of 2018 slowly fades into our collective rear-view mirror, I thought a post on America’s summer sports pastime of baseball would be appropriate. But rather than talk about the boys… Continue reading

The Oregon Trail


With summer fast approaching for those of us who live in the United States, dinner table discussions in a lot of homes have been centering around summer vacations. If a road trip holds… Continue reading

First In Freedom


As a new resident of a new state, I have been going through the ritual of getting a new driver’s license, voter registration, car registration and all the other obligations that come with… Continue reading

Leesburg, VA’s Dog Money


While in transit from my old home in Ohio to my new home in North Carolina, I had an occasion to visit Leesburg, VA, where I lived for eight years prior to moving… Continue reading

The American Riverboat


As early as 1811, steamboats began to navigate the inland rivers of the United States. Most notably, the Mississippi River, which ran from Minnesota to New Orleans, and the Missouri River, which intersected… Continue reading

Tar Heel Nation


In honor of my new home, North Carolina, I decided to dig into why the state is known as the “Tar Heel” state. I had heard a story years ago, something about slaves… Continue reading

George Washington’s Christmas Raid


At this time of the year, especially in the Northern United States, uppermost in our minds are warm fires, hot chocolate, and the comfort of family as we celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas. Can… Continue reading