Monthly Archive: July, 2016

Travels Through Historical Fiction: The White Lady


If readers saw the film version of The English Patient, they may remember that the opening scene showed the main characters in a desert cave marveling at drawings depicting humans and animals painted… Continue reading

The King’s Daughters


Every once in a while someone with a passion for history and a love of good story telling comes across a historical figure, movement, or event that makes them sit up and think,… Continue reading

Daughters of the American Revolution


I’ve written a lot about the Civil War in the past few years, but my true interest has always been the Revolutionary War. During the 90s, when I began uncovering my family’s genealogy, I discovered… Continue reading

Travels Through Historical Fiction: Sands of the Namib


As the second of three posts set in Africa, we are traveling to Nambia’s Atlantic coast where an unexpected experience awaits. Leaving Windhoek, Nambia’s capital, we traveled west to Swakopmund, a resort town… Continue reading

Cadillac, Pontiac, Ford, and My Hometown


The story of Detroit, the city where I was born, is, at heart, the story of trade routes, roads, automobiles, and eventually the Saint Lawrence seaway and shipping. It has always been about… Continue reading