Monthly Archive: February, 2018

The Artist Who Dressed As She Pleased


Rosa Bonheur dressed in trousers when women were still trussed in corsets. She required permission from the prefect of police to do so, but she was unapologetic about her choices. She lived her… Continue reading

The American Riverboat


As early as 1811, steamboats began to navigate the inland rivers of the United States. Most notably, the Mississippi River, which ran from Minnesota to New Orleans, and the Missouri River, which intersected… Continue reading

America’s First State Chartered University


In 1784, the former thirteen British colonies, now American states, were still reveling in the wonder of having defeated the most powerful military and naval force in the world less than a year… Continue reading

The Anatomist and the Body Snatchers


The longer I look at the 1830s, the more I am fascinated by the collision of science, commerce, and social change. There are few colorful characters from that period that exemplify these more… Continue reading