Monthly Archive: November, 2017

History of the South’s Favorite Pie


In the American South, there is one pie that rises above all others as a perennial favorite. It is a simple concoction of melted butter, eggs, sugar, corn syrup, vanilla, a dash of… Continue reading

Fashion and Foot Binding


Fashion. Some readers of historical romance will tell you it is one of the reasons they enjoy the genre. Love of clothing certainly fuels the continued popularity of all things Jane Austen in… Continue reading

The Long History of the Hedge Maze


If you thought the hedge maze, or the more American version, especially in the fall, the corn maze, was an English tradition, you’d be sadly mistaken. The first such maze was invented more… Continue reading

How London’s Bobbies Got Their Name


There are few things more synonymous with London than the Tower, Big Ben, double decker busses, black cabs, and the traditional headgear of the Metropolitan Police. The custodian helmet, as it is officially… Continue reading