Monthly Archive: August, 2018

The Cleghorns, Gardens, and a Princess


Writers often wander down some winding roads; many call it “the research rabbit hole.” This past week I got lost in one when I began by asking about public gardens that may have… Continue reading

The Girls of Summer


As the summer of 2018 slowly fades into our collective rear-view mirror, I thought a post on America’s summer sports pastime of baseball would be appropriate. But rather than talk about the boys… Continue reading

Gangsters on the Gold Coast: Scarface Comes to Miami


The Gold Coast. The Magic City. South Beach. Lincoln Road. Few places among America’s urban centers possess as much mystique as the narrow strip of land lying between the Atlantic Ocean and the… Continue reading

Unforeseen Consequences


If our principles are right, why should we be cowards? Lucretia Mott Ah, but which principles. High minded reformers don’t always see eye to eye. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson may have both… Continue reading

The Wild-er Bunch


We’ve all heard about Butch Cassidy, the Sundance Kid and Etta Place. Just the mere mention conjures up images of a smirking Paul Newman, drop-dead gorgeous Robert Redford and lovely Katherine Ross. Etta… Continue reading