New Release Wednesday

New Release Wednesday is a monthly feature of this blog offering fellow authors a free avenue for getting the word out about their new historical fiction releases. There is no limitation on era. Any novel set from the beginning of time through 1970 is acceptable. I operate on the “50 years ago” rule for establishing what qualifies as historical fiction. The only genre restriction I place on featured books is they not be erotica.

In all probability, I have not read all of the books featured here because time does not permit. Writing my own books is, after all, where I must devote the majority of my time. Readers of History Imagined must judge for themselves whether a particular new release meets their needs, tastes, and standards. I do not review books as I simply do not have the time to do justice to the task. I also do not respond to requests for slots on HI from anyone other than the actual author of a work.

If you are an author of historical fiction and would like to be featured, please use this site’s contact form. A spot cannot be promised, but your chances increase by telling a little about your book, by including your release date, including links to your Amazon author page and your website, and by including your email address. I do not have any age restrictions on who may read this blog, so all posts must be G rated. Novels that contain gratuitous sex, gratuitous violence, or that promote harm of any kind to man or beast are automatically disqualified. Novels written with the intent to disparage or make fun of persons or groups based on ethnicity, national origin, heritage, gender, disability, etc. are automatically disqualified.

Priority is given to members of the Historical Novel Society and the Historical Novel Cooperative. HI administration reserves the right to refuse any post that does not comply with the stated rules and/or might be considered in any way harmful to the site and/or its reputation.