Monthly Archive: September, 2015

The Draft Riots of 1863


Most of us in America are familiar with the Military Draft, which was implemented in 1940 prior to the Second World War and abandoned following the Vietnam War, although men between the ages… Continue reading

Casablanca: Unconditional Surrender and a Strategic Error


Like so many people, the movie Casablanca is at the top of my favorites list. It is set in 1941 when Morocco was still under the control of the Nazi collaborating Vichy government in… Continue reading

Tide, Wind, and Timeline


The need for an accurate, believable timeline challenges any storyteller’s craft. Writing historical fiction makes this problem especially complex. A number of complicating factors can wreak havoc with the timeline, and my newest… Continue reading

From Pegleg Pete to Cutting Edge Prosthetics


Historical details come in all shapes and sizes. For my latest book, A Widow’s Salvation, a Civil War story set in an Army hospital, I had to find out about prosthetic devices. My… Continue reading