Monthly Archive: January, 2017

The Pastry Chef


As England slipped from the Georgian era into the Victorian and the sun no longer set on the British Empire, the country produced a bumper crop of interesting people: rogues, villains, explorers, heroes,… Continue reading

Seeds of Survival, Bernard McMahon’s Contribution to America


I started to write this post about the gardens of Monticello, located near Charlottesville, VA, and home of our nation’s third president, Thomas Jefferson. But the more I read about how his vast estate… Continue reading

Living History: Funk Heritage Center Preserving the Past for the Future, Part I


In a beautiful corner of northwest Cherokee County, Georgia lies Waleska, a village that boasts one traffic light and the United Methodist associated Reinhardt University. I could write volumes about what the college… Continue reading

Where the Roads of Imagination Lead


If fiction fuels the mind, historical fiction poured jet fuel into mine from early on. It created a lifelong fascination with history and pushed me to question everything I read. Why question? At… Continue reading