First Friday Guest Posts


If you are an author of historical fiction and would like to write a guest post for HI, please read the following. Should your request be approved, this is what will be required.

1. Your completed post of 800-1500 words in a Word document

     Posts should share interesting, historical information discovered during your research. Our readers expect the information to be well sourced and factual. HI is considered a reliable source by our readers and it must remain so. Please cite your sources. Footnotes are optional, but please provide a brief list of the sources from which your info came. If you are drawing conclusions about something that has yet to be proven, or has more than one possible solution, or is simply a theory of what may have happened, please state it as such. If historians are still arguing over what actually happened, please share the major theories and cite the sources for each. If you look at the posts, you will find documented resources for each post. Wikipedia is generally not considered a totally reliable source. 

In addition, HI is not the place to express your contemporary political, religious, or controversial views. Conspiracy theories involving our present-day world are inappropriate for this blog and will be an automatic disqualification from publication. While some posts may share gossip and/or unproven theories, they are comprised of well sourced conclusions drawn by historians based on the known historical facts. As one of my history professors said, “Historians gossip all the time, but they just gossip about dead people.”

In writing a post for HI, it is understood that the guest poster will wish to promote his/her own novel(s). HI is not the place for erotica. In addition, works that promote harm to man or beast, that include gratuitous sex, that include gratuitous violence, that disparage persons or groups based on ethnicity, national origin, heritage, disability, gender, etc. will automatically disqualify an author from appearing on HI. HI has no age limitations for its readership, so all posts must be G rated.

2. All related pictures must be sent as email attachments – do not embed pictures in the Word document. 

3. Your headshot

4. Your brief bio

5. Your cover

6. Your social media and buy links

HI administration reserves the right to refuse any post that does not comply with the stated rules and/or might be considered in any way harmful to the site and/or its reputation.

Still interested? Please use the HI contact form. Please include your author name, title, blurb, and Amazon author page link or website link. If you are a debut author without an Amazon page or website, please be very specific regarding your premise, the heat level (sex), and how sex and violence are portrayed in your novel.