Monthly Archive: April, 2020

The Man Who Invented Hand Washing


Before Louis Pasteur, there was Ignaz Semmelweis (1818-1865), a Hungarian obstetrician who developed a theory that saved lives, but was ridiculed and ultimately rejected for his efforts. Born July 1, 1818 in Buda,… Continue reading

The Child Star


Every writer knows that research, vital as it is for a writer of historical fiction, can lead you into a rabbit warren of facts, information, and ideas until you’ve wandered far from your… Continue reading

Virgin Soil Epidemics


Although it seems as if we are living through uncharted times, epidemics are not something new in this world. Throughout history, as travel to other countries became the norm, diseases were spread from… Continue reading

War and Pestilence: a Doctor’s Story


In this time of medical crisis, I believe most of us have a renewed respect for our medical personnel. From the highly skilled healers to the hospital night custodians, they are laboring under… Continue reading